MetaMask® Chrome Extension® - Browser extension - webflow

MetaMask® Chrome Extension

Ethereum blockchain. Whether you're intrigued by the potential of DeFi (decentralized finance) or curious about the buzz surrounding NFTs (non-fungible tokens), MetaMask empowers you to participate in this revolutionary space. This guide will equip you with the knowledge and steps necessary to get started with the MetaMask Chrome extension.

Understanding the Fundamentals:

Getting Started with the MetaMask Chrome Extension:

  1. Download the Extension: Head over to the official MetaMask website ( and click the "Download Now" button. Choose the "Install MetaMask for Chrome" option.
  2. Installation: Follow the on-screen prompts provided by the Chrome web store to complete the installation process.
  3. Setting Up Your Wallet: Once installed, launch the MetaMask extension. You'll be guided through the setup process, including creating a strong password and generating a seed phrase. This 12-word phrase is crucial for accessing your wallet, so write it down carefully and store it securely offline. Never share your seed phrase with anyone as it grants complete access to your digital assets.

Connecting with dApps:

  1. Find a dApp: Explore various dApps built on the Ethereum blockchain. Many popular dApps have websites with clear instructions on how to connect using MetaMask.
  2. Connecting Your Wallet: Look for the "Connect Wallet" button on the dApp's website. Click on it and choose "MetaMask" from the available options.
  3. Reviewing Transactions: Before confirming any transaction, MetaMask displays a detailed overview, including the amount, fees, and recipient address. Carefully review the details to ensure they are accurate before approving the transaction.

Beyond the Basics:

The MetaMask Chrome extension offers a range of additional features:
